Find the Perfect Marketing Tactic for Your Digital Product Business with the Marketing Matchmaker Tool

Confidently choose the right marketing tactic to employ for your digital product.

Knowing when to leverage what tactic isn't easy.

As a busy creator, you juggle countless tasks every day. From client calls to nurturing your course and digital products, your schedule is packed. But there's a crucial piece of the puzzle you need to address - your next marketing move. This uncertainty is costing you in ways you may not even realize...

  • Your visibility isn't at its peak, which means potential leads are slipping through your fingers. And every missed lead is a missed opportunity to grow your business.
  • Your audience is bored seeing the same stuff over and over from you and others just like you. You gotta stand out!

But what if there was a way to know exactly what marketing tactic to employ next? What if you could quickly and easily evaluate marketing tactics, their pros and cons, expected ROI, and the time they would take?

Enter 'Marketing Matchmaker' - your ultimate guide to identifying the perfect marketing tactic for your unique needs. Created with an understanding of your struggles, this filterable Airtable document helps you sift through various marketing tactics to find the one that suits you best. And it doesn't stop there - 'Marketing Matchmaker' also equips you with the resources to implement your chosen tactic effectively.

Marketing Matchmaker is your ultimate guide to identifying the perfect marketing tactic for your unique business.
Marketing Matchmaker: Your Compass in the Marketing Landscape

Accelerated Growth: Reach your business goals faster. Align your marketing with your aspirations, boost visibility, and increase sales.

Time-Saving: Skip the endless search for marketing trends. Find all the info in one place and focus more on your digital products.

Innovative Edge: Break away from repetitive strategies. With 'Marketing Matchmaker', explore diverse tactics to keep your audience engaged and interested.

Budget Maximization: No more wasted investments. Allocate your marketing budget effectively with a clear overview of ROI for each tactic.

Clarity, Not Chaos: Swap out marketing overwhelm for strategic decision-making.

You need a clear path forward in your marketing efforts.

What's included with Marketing Matchmaker?
Easy to follow video training on various marketing tactics and how to choose the right tactic for your business

Airtable base with an in-depth comparison between the marketing tactics based on pros/cons, cost to implement, what results you can expect, and more

Invitation to my student community

'Marketing Matchmaker' is a comprehensive Airtable Base featuring over 15 marketing tactics. Each tactic is broken down in detail to provide you with a deep understanding of how it works and its potential impact on your business. 

Functionality: Understand exactly how each tactic works, step-by-step.

Pros and Cons: Learn the advantages and potential challenges of each tactic. 

Skill Level: Identify if the tactic is suitable for beginners or more suited for those with intermediate marketing knowledge.

Prep Time & Delivery Time: Know the time required for preparation and delivery to manage your schedule better.

Collaboration Requirements: Determine if affiliates or collaboration partners are necessary for the implementation of the tactic. 

Estimated Cost: Get a sense of the financial commitment required to implement each tactic. 

Expected Benefits: Learn about the potential returns you can expect from each tactic.

Evergreen or One-Off: Understand if the tactic provides ongoing benefits or if it's a one-time effort. 

Energy Level Required: Gauge the level of energy and effort you'll need to put into each tactic.

Recommended Resources: I've tried a lot of these strategies myself and have compiled lists for each tactic of recommended courses, swipe-copy, and more to make sure you can implement.

Compare and contrast different tactics and make informed decisions about what ones to try out or add to existing funnels.

Hey, I'm Victoria!

I've always been passionate about helping businesses grow and reach their full potential, but I noticed a common struggle among my clients. They would often come to me with the same question, "What is the best marketing tactic for my business?"

As much as I would love to give a clear-cut answer, the truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to marketing.

Every business is different, with unique needs and goals. 

That's when I realized that there needed to be a better way to match businesses with marketing strategies that would work for them specifically. That's how Marketing Matchmaker was born. 

I created this product with the goal of providing a platform where entrepreneurs and business owners could easily find a new marketing ideas to add to their existing funnels.

Your Marketing Matchmaker Qs - Answered!
  • Why is this only $9?
    For a couple of reasons.

    1. I care deeply about the accessibility of getting the perspective from a marketing expert (me!). I don't want you to need to spend 4-figures for the simple question "What do I try next?"

    2. I'm strategically subtilizing this training with some affiliate links inside. Rest assured these are tactics and recommendations that I've used or stand by.
  • How are the marketing tactics in Marketing Matchmaker ranked or rated?
    Marketing Tactics are weighed in a lot of ways. Here are a few - Stakeholders, cost to implement, what you can expect (return on investment/time), energy/effort required, if it's repeatable or evergreen, launch-ability, and pros/cons.

    Once you're in, I'm open to feedback on what other ways I can rank these for you!
  • Is this suitable for beginners or advanced marketers?
    Absolutely! I have some super simple marketing tactics in there along with some bigger ones. I have recommendations for when I think you're ready for which strategy.
  • Is the video training accessible?
    YES. This training has subtitles, speed controls, and will have timestamps so you can skip around the training.

Stop the guesswork and uncertainty in your marketing.

Let me guide you to the right tactic that fits your biz like a glove.

  • Total payment
  • 1xMarketing Matchmaker$9

All prices in USD

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The Ultimate Guide for UTM Tracking - $9

Special one-time offer, only $19!

Understand exactly where your website visitors are coming from and what brought them there that you can make better decisions about your marketing strategies.

This is a simple 15-minute video lesson (with slides + a transcript) on what UTMs are and how to create them. You'll also get my UTM tracker so you can keep track of your marketing! 

The more you understand about where your website's traffic is coming from and what's driving that traffic, the better decisions you can make about your marketing strategies.

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